We are living in a very special time where we’re seeing the collapse of the old and the emergence of the new. This old system that has been enslaving the planet for a very long time is collapsing. One of the biggest areas we see this is within the medical industrial complex. People are discovering that they can heal themselves with natural things and are turning away from pharmaceuticals that are making them sick. We have awakened to the sad reality that many of our doctors have been indoctrinated in a system with the main goal of pushing pharmaceuticals.
Behind this corruption there have been many brave doctors and very brave people on the front lines trying to expose this evil, corrupted system. One of those people is a good friend of mine who’s been a guest on the show many times before, Dr. Robert Young. Dr. Young currently has the full force of that old corrupt system coming after him. Literally, as I’m recording this show, he is sitting behind bars. I just interviewed him a few weeks ago, while he was on trial, and today they have him behind bars. They’re looking to put keep behind bars for almost 20 years, which would be really a life sentence for a person at his age.
Joining me today is one of Dr. Young’s very closest friends and partners, Matthew Hazen. Hazen is the original inventor of the MasterPeace Zeolite Supplement which Dr. Young calls his life’s masterpiece. Matthew is going to be walking us through exactly what’s happening with Dr. Young but will also be sharing some background on zeolite and help us understand why all humans on this earth right now are very sick due to the poisons in our environment. From the food we eat to the air we breathe, to the radiation coming off the technology we have, Matthew and Dr. Young have been searching for solutions to help us remove these poisons. Please enjoy this interview.
Understanding Bodily Detox and Environmental Impact
Our environment and ecosystem doesn't know how to degrade them. So once they're there, they're there and we're just piling more and more and more on. And now it's the inner environments of all living beings, including you and me, that are seeing the effects just the same. So we need to understand that life inside of your body, you have trillions of cells, you have millions and billions of molecules that are inside each cell, but you are 99.7-99.8% molecularly water and minerals. You need to get the unnatural stuff out of your body effectively, so that your body, which has been made by our great creator beautifully magically, it's always striving to get you well and to get you back to homeostasis. It's always trying to find your best spot and it can't do it as well when you've been poisoned you got to get those poisons out, you got to be drinking a lot of healthy mineral water.
What's inside the bottle?
The power of MasterPeace - Removing toxins on a cellular level
Sea Plasma
What is more easily understood as the Origin of the World’s Food Chain.
Nano Zeolite
Which is “thee” master binder & purifier of virtually all known toxins. Our formulation is meticulously created to go everywhere water goes in the body.
Structured & Energetically Infused
The final part is a process of water structuring then energetically infusing the solution naturally.
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