
BREAST BUTCHERS: Thousands of Women Mutilated by Fake Cancer Diagnoses!

Streamed on February 28, 2025

The changes we’ve seen in our medical industry and the public distrust of the medical industry have been absolutely massive, especially in the past five years. The trust in big pharma has completely collapsed. Specifically when you look into cancer. The corruption in the cancer industry is profound and is finally coming to light.

The most frightening thing you can hear from a doctor is, “I’m sorry you have cancer.” Recently there was a very popular woman that had just a baby and was told that she had breast cancer. The immediate treatment recommendation from her doctors was a double mastectomy. It wasn’t, chlorine dioxide, or methylene blue, or ivermectin, or let’s look at your diet, or high dose vitamin C. No, it was, “let’s just remove your breasts.” What’s also crazy, and this is open information you can find easily, that upwards of one in seven women are misdiagnosed with breast cancer. How many women have had mastectomies when they didn’t have to because they were misdiagnosed? Furthermore, how many women actually got breast cancer from repeated mammogram screening? This is such a tragic situation and it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Joining me today is my very good friend Jonathan Otto and we’ll be diving into a lot of these bigger picture topics surrounding the cancer industry. The cancer cover-up, the complete indoctrination of these doctors that only give you one solution, which is expensive surgery and expensive chemotherapy. Now we are learning more about treatments and solutions out there that are a couple of dollars. For example, $15 bucks will give you months worth of chlorine dioxide! Jonathan and I are going to be diving into all of these topics and so much more.

The Dangers of Biopsies:

The only way to know if you have cancer is to have a biopsy. Talk to me about that, please.

The problem with a biopsy is if there's a tumor growing, the body has a fibrin sheath around it that's doing many things it can do to contain it and the minute you break that sheath and you break, it's like you broke the seal. Now it spreads all over the place. So you do spread it. I had a ballerina from New York City right after I moved to Arizona. She was with the New York Ballet and she called me from there and she said, I just had a biopsy around where they biopsied all these little tumors now. And that's what happens, so you unleash it.

Understanding Mitochondria's Role in Energy Production

But then you come into understanding the mitochondria and so mitochondria aren't in red blood cells and they're these tiny bean shaped organelles, they surround the nucleus of the cells. So kind of think about it, something close to the center might be important? And it really is. They produce something called ATP, which is adenosine triphosphate and this is how cells generate energy. So they're like the powerhouse of the cell. They're the thing that's actually making it have the energy that it needs for its functionality. So then the question is, where are they in the body? And the answer is, well, they're not in red blood cells but they are in your organ cells, and they are in your brain, and they are in your heart, and they are in your liver. For example, they're lesser and larger amounts in different organs. In the thyroid, you have thousands of mitochondria per thyroid cell and an estimate of millions collectively in the thyroid gland.

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